Here is everything you need to know about Malnad Gidda cow
Malnad Gidda is known by different names like “Gidda”, “Varshagandhi” and “Uradana”. “Malnad” means mountainous or hilly region and “Gidda” means dwarf or small. The breeding tract of this breed includes Dakshin Kannada, Chikmagalur, Hassan, Shimoga, Kodagu, Udupi, and Uttar Kannada districts of Karnataka. They are playing a major role in the rural economy by providing milk and manure in this region.
No special attention and care is required to rear these animals. During the nighttime, the cattle can be tied under trees or housed in roughly built sheds.
The urine and dung are cleared once a month or two and can be applied in the fields which form decent quality compost manure. Read more
How To Identify Malnad Gidda?
They are well adapted to the local agro-ecological area of Western Ghats. The predominant coat colour is black with light shades of fawn on the shoulder and thigh. Horns are generally straight, outward, small, upward, and inward. They are small with compact body frames and adult cattle are approximately 90 centimetres tall. The hump is small, the tail switch is blackish in colour, and the udder is also small and bowl-shaped. The tail is so long that it almost touches the ground. These cattle are reared under low input low output system. In some areas, they sustain solely on grazing.
Milk Production and Lactation
Malnad Gidda cow milk yield per day is around 3-5 kg per day and the average lactation yield is around 220 Kg. These animals are highly adapted to harsh climates including scorching sunlight and heavy rainfall. Read more
How To Maintain Malnad Gidda Cow?
These cattle need no special attention and can survive even in harsh climates. Make sure they are kept under concrete walls or tin shade shelter to defend them from heavy rainfall, sunlight, snowfall, parasites, and frost. The house should be properly oxygenated and a clean air and water facility must be there. Cleaning should be done regularly to avoid the spreading of parasites and incubation of mosquitoes and as well as viruses. Give them proper nutrient supplements like – Protein, Calcium, Vitamin A, and Phosphorus with their food. Manage them properly and provide proper care whenever the cow gets pregnant. Good management practices will result in a healthy calf and also gives a high milk yield.
Where can I get Malnad Gidda Cow?
If you are looking to purchase Malnad Gidda cow, pick up your mobile phone, go to the play store, and download the “Animall” app. Register yourself by verifying your phone number and then tap on the cow section where you will find different-different breeds of cow. Then filter out the Malnad Gidda cow, calving, and milk capacity, and then select the best cow from the options available.
Bring home the best Malnad Gidda cow by following these 3 easy steps.
`Enter your district or village name or Pincode.
After entering, tap on the cow section. Here choose the breed of Malnad Gidda cow and select the calving and milk capacity as per your preference.
Now you will start seeing all the cows around you. You can then select any cow of your preference. Go ahead and bring your most preferred Malnad Gidda Cow to your home. Read more
How to list my Malnad Gidda Cow for sale?
If you wish to sell your Malnad Gidda cow, you can also install our “Animall” app. First, you need to register yourself and then go to the sell animals section. After that, enter the milk capacity, rate, and price of your Malnad Gidda cow.“Animall” app. Anyone interested in purchasing your cow will call you directly.
Apart from selling and purchasing cattle, you can also get all the necessary information related to all the cattle by installing our app. If your cow is not keeping well then you can directly talk to veterinary doctors through our app. You can get the verified cattle at the best quality and affordable rates and that too without paying any commission to any middleman.
Common Diseases & Treatments
Most Malnad Gidda cows can be treated by using antibiotics for certain situations. Some of the common cattle diseases and their treatments are mentioned below:
- Rinderpest: Rinderpest is a disease caused by the Rinderpest virus. It is like a plague disease for cattle and it is highly contagious. The most common symptoms are wounds on the mouth, diarrhoea, fever, discharge from areas like the nose and eyes, etc. Rinderpest has no permanent cure but it can be controlled by maintaining a proper quarantine situation.
- Black Quarter: The main symptom of the Black Quarter disease is that the legs of the buffaloes get swollen. Black Quarter affects the calves who fall in the age category of 6 months to 10 years. This disease spreads very rapidly but can be controlled by using Penicillin. Avoid feeding the battle bad fodder or infected food and this disease can be treated with supreme care.
- Mastitis: Affecting all the dairy cattle, Mastitis affects the udder area and results in reaching the mammary glands due to an increase in white blood cells. It is a disease that can be treated by the use of antibiotics at the right time.
- Digestive system disease: Diseases related to the digestive system like acidic indigestion, simple indigestion, etc. Read more
Treatment of acidic indigestion:
Avoid feeding acidic fodder to animals. During the start of this disease, feed animals saline elements like baking soda and medicines which will help to energize their liver.
Treatment of simple indigestion:
Feed them spices which will help them to increase their hunger. Provide them feed which digests easily.
- Enteritis/Calf scours/ Diarrhoea: In this disease first, the excessive loss of water occurs then acidosis and dehydration and then the cattle die. The disease mainly occurs due to drinking unclean water, unclean hygiene conditions, and poor feeding systems.
Treatment: proper ventilation and dry bedding are required. you are done filling in all the required details, your cow will be registered on the. The cattle have become an inseparable part of the farming community, providing milk, draft power, and manure. They are very tough and are well adapted to the Western Ghats region. It is said for them that they can survive in any climatic condition. Read more